
Agile Documentation and the Economics of Batch Size

Nearly every week, an agile team will ask me, When should we create and update our development documentation?

For example, I recently taught a class for a company that is developing a medical device and its surrounding software ecosystem. It was a diverse class that…

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User Stories: Match the Goal to the Role

Agile teams write user stories to express the desired business value for many types of product backlog items, especially features.    

One common format for user stories is:

This simple user story format helps teams craft well-written stories that business people and…

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Estimation of Non-Functional Requirements

A non-functional requirement (NFR) is a system-level (or product-level) constraint. NFRs do not relate to functionality but instead refer to attributes, such as performance, accuracy, portability, reusability, maintainability, interoperability, capacity, platform…

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Scrum – The Bright Light That Exposes Dysfunction!

All organizations are plagued by dysfunction—those impediments or obstacles that stand in the way of realizing their full potential. One of the benefits of an agile process like Scrum is that it helps expose these dysfunctions.

Although finding and addressing…

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