
Agile Startup Companies

My wife and I are angel investors – individuals who provide capital to start-up businesses in exchange for equity ownership. We typically invest at the very early stages of a company after friends and family have invested and before venture capitalists invest. Agile…

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Learn into It! – A Key Aspect of the Agile Mindset

For the past year and half, I have been coaching a very large company through its agile transformation. When I first started, I noticed that a particular expression was frequently used by several different people. The expression is “learn into it.”

I like this…

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Fast Feedback Example for Business People

Recently I have had a lot of meetings and presentations with non-technical executive management where I describe the agile mindset. A core agile principle of this agile mindset is fast feedback.

In my presentations to technical people, I use technical examples to…

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No Goal-Altering Changes During Sprints

A sprint goal describes the business purpose and value of the sprint. The sprint goal is the foundation of a mutual commitment made by the development team and the product owner. The team commits to meeting the goal by the end of the sprint; the product owner commits to…

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